Doing Web Bot Using WEBBOT Library At Python

Can Yüksel
Apr 27, 2022


Hi Everyone,

Today, We do webbot using Web Bot library. That’s bot, doing connection to url after doing login.

Firstly add imports in our project.

We define variables for our project after add imports.

Project Variables

If we have completed these procedures, Now writing login function.

Login Function

That’s code goes to url and search on web page for PAGE_QUERY after do login procedure.

Check Web Page

If PAGE_QUERY not in the web page , runing create function and added in web page.

And finally add Main function on our project.

Main Function

If you want see that Project , look at my github repository.

Github Repo:

WebBot Library:

I’m not an expert in Python so forgive me if I’m mistakes :)



Can Yüksel

I’m Mining and software Engineer. I’m study at Dokuz Eylül University. I share the information I learned while developing myself in the field of software.